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All SkinParams
AWS Icons


Purpose Command
Default Font skinparam defaultFontName "Comic Sans MS"
Default Font Size skinparam defaultFontSize 18
Default Text Alignment skinparam defaultTextAlignment center,left,right
participant Bob [[]]
Bob -> Alice : [[]] hello

class Dummy [[]]
Object <|-- Foo
class Foo {
+ methods1() [[{Some explainations about this method}]]
+ methods2() [[]]

class Foo2 {
+ methods1() [[]]
+ methods2() [[]]

class Object {

note left of Foo {
This is a note

note right of Foo {
Yet another link to [[]] as demo.
You can also <u>[[ specify a text]]</u> for the link.
And even <u>[[{This is a tooltip} add a tooltip]]</u> to the link.

Dummy -> Alice : foo1
ref over Alice, Dummy : [[]] Foo2

Alice -> Bob : hello

ref over Alice, Bob
this is a
reference over
Alice and Bob
Link Colour skinparam HyperLinkColor red
skinparam titleBorderRoundCorner 15
skinparam titleBorderThickness 2
skinparam titleBorderColor red
skinparam titleBackgroundColor Aqua-CadetBlue

title Some Title
Bold / Italics
rectangle "<i>Platform engineer</i>" as buildDeployDevOps <<role>>
rectangle "**Success**" as canBuildProdApp <<success>>
Lists, Lines, Headings, Tables, Trees Creole Styling
Text Alignment on Sequence Arrows skinparam SequenceMessageAlign first


Purpose Command
Direction left to right direction. Default is top to bottom.
center footer Generated for demonstration
<font color=red>Warning:</font>
Do not use in production.
Spacing between nodes
skinparam padding 0
skinparam nodesep 30
skinparam ranksep 30
Line Types (3 options)
/' Default is splines (curved lines) '/
skinParam lineType ortho
skinparam linetype polyline


Purpose Command
Background Colour skinparam backgroundColor transparent
Change base-shape style (for Archimate shapes) !define junction circle #cornflowerblue;line:transparent
Handwritten style skinparam handwritten true
Shape styling
skinparam arrowColor cornflowerblue
skinparam arrowThickness 1.5
skinparam shadowing false
skinparam defaultFontName "Comic Sans MS"
Stereotype styling
skinparam rectangle<<recomm>> {
backgroundColor business

skinparam rectangle<<choice>> {
backgroundColor bisque

skinparam rectangle<<option>> {
backgroundColor<<option>> gainsboro
Strict UML (straight lines or simple arrow heads) skinparam style strictuml /' Turns the note arrow into a line '/


Purpose Command
Define & use an image with scaling
/' Path to all your images (optional) '/
!define AWSPuml ../plantuml/lib/aws/dist

/' Path relative to above path '/
!define awsLogo AWSPuml/../aws-cloud.png`

rectangle "<img:awsLogo{scale=0.4}>" <<awsGroup>> {
originAccessId .> webserver : provides secure access to

Source Code

Purpose Command
' Start of line comment
class Foo { /' end of line comment '/
!unquoted function $row($name, $type)
$cell($name, $type) |

!unquoted function $cell($name, $type)
!if ($type == "r") /' recommended '/
!return "|<#business> " + $name
!elseif ($type == "o") /' optional '/
!return "|<#gainsboro> " + $name
!else /' consider '/
!return "|<#white> " + $name

/' Calling a function '/
note as mobileFrameworks
$row(Flutter, r)
Hiding elements
hide stereotype
hide empty description
Including files !import ../learning-pathway.lib.iuml!COMMON
Including Subparts
/' File A '/
!includesub ../learning-pathway.lib.iuml!LEGEND

/' learning-pathway.lib.iuml '/
!startsub NOT_USED
skinparam note {
backgroundColor #beige
backgroundColor<<warning>> #red
shadowing false /' not working '/
borderColor #beige

!startsub LEGEND
skinparam legendBackgroundColor #transparent
skinparam legendBorderColor #white
legend top left
| Legend |
|<#bisque> Pick-one |
|<#business> Recommended |
|<#gainsboro> Optional |
|<#white> Also consider |


To export a diagram that has hyperlinks, it needs to be saved as an SVG and included using this syntax:

<!-- Need to use Object tags to get the links in an SVG to be clickable -->
<object data="se-front-end.svg" type="image/svg+xml" width="100%">
<img src="se-front-end.svg"/>